Here’s some quick statistics :
Number of Items in the Auction | 11,283 |
Number of Items Sold | 8,039 |
Value of Items Sold | $117,644 |
Number of Items Auctioned (non-Auction Store) | 3,842 |
Number of Items Sold from the Auction Store | 4,197 |
Another Gen Con has come and gone and we’ve had a banner year. We had a record number of items entered into the auction, and a record number of items pre-registered for the convention.
This page allows you to explore the items we sold, when we sold them, and for how much.
The highest price item in the auction was an original “AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide” pre-publication manuscript that had been hand-edited by Gary Gygax. We also had a couple of brown-box D&D sets, one that sold for $1950, the other sold for a “mere” $1150