Auction Registration Open

You can now begin registering items for Gen Con 2019. I have a few more updates to do, but the system is up and working.

FYI: I’m planning on implementing a new login system that will eventually allow auction participants to comment on news items, view registered items and other fun things.

Second Helpings Charity – Thank you Note

We received a thank-you from Second Helpings (one of the two 2018 charities), thanking us for the money we raised during the Gen Con Charity Auction.

We’d like to give a big “Thank You” to everyone who participated in the Charity auction (whether you won an item or not).   You all have helped feed deserving families in central Indiana.

Gen Con 2019 Tentative Schedule

Important Notes

  • No On-site registration will be available this year.  Make sure to pre-register everything that you might want to bring!
  • Registration prices will be posted on the registration front page (once the registration system is ready).
  • You can register items though Sunday 11:59:59 pm (EDT) July 28th, 2019.
Item Registration
Approx May 1st thru Sunday before the show
Item Drop-Off
Wednesday Noon – 6 pm
Thursday 10 am – 8 pm
Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday 9 am – 11 am
Consignment Store Open
Thursday 10 am – 11 pm
Friday 9 am – 11 pm
Saturday 9 am – 7 pm
Live Auction
Thursday 10 am – 11 pm
Friday 9 am – Midnight
Saturday 9 am – Midnight
Seller Payouts & Item Return
Sunday 10 am – 2 pm

Come by at the show on Thursday morning to see the schedule of items to be auctioned.

Welcome to our new site.

We’ve updated from using Joomla to WordPress.  This gives us the ability to create posts a lot more easily and bring you news and updates more quickly.  There are also a lot of available add-ins, so new features can be installed.  Look for all sorts of improvements in the future!

Gen Con 2018

Gen Con 2018 Auction Report

Here’s some quick statistics :

Number of Items in the Auction 12,814
Number of Items Sold 10,168
Value of Items Sold $191,342
Number of Items Auctioned (non-Consignment Store) 3,991
Number of Items Sold from the Consignment Store 6,177
Percent items Registered in the last week 53%
Amount Raised for Charity (Split between Jack Vasel Memorial Fund and Second Helpings)

We again had no on-site registrations – and zero complaints!

The big change this year was a new feature to our software to help with helping TAB buyers to pick up their items. We added a third credit card machine and processed seller payouts and TAB pickups right at the computer station. This saved buyers and sellers from traipsing all the way across the room to pay or pickup their money.

After the convention we received a thank-you from “Second Helpings”.  See the note here.


(click for larger image)
Graph: Number of Items Sold by Hour

(click for larger image)
Graph: The procrastination factor. Number of items registered by day.

(right click-save target as)
Here’s a down-loadable spreadsheet of every item in the auction. Make sure to save with an extension of XLS.

Gen Con 50 (2017)

Here’s some quick statistics :

Number of Items in the Auction 14,054
Number of Items Sold 10,591
Value of Items Sold $178,731
Number of Items Auctioned (non-Consignment Store) 4,865
Number of Items Sold from the Consignment Store 5,726
Percent items Registered in the last week 48%
Amount Raised for Charity (Child Advocates)

This was the second year that there were no on-site registrations. We had a few frustrated would-be sellers who still hadn’t gotten the word, but overall the sellers seem to appreciate it because of the advantages I spelled out last year:

1) Faster setup for us on Wednesday (no need to setup 4+ extra computers and printer)

2) Faster drop-off for sellers (since we had everything setup and ready to roll, and we didn’t have to spare anyone to help those entering items) !

3) Less congestion in the room of people waiting with stacks of games to get to the on-site computers.

I think that all the sellers who pre-registered would agree that check-in went VERY smoothly this year.

In addition we added another credit card machine – this allowed us to keep one over by item intake during the busiest times (Wednesday and Thursday morning). This minor change saved many a seller the extra steps needed if the only credit card machine was over by the registers.


(click for larger image)
Graph: Number of Items Sold by Hour

(click for larger image)
Graph: The procrastination factor. Number of items registered by day.

(right click-save target as)
Here’s a down-loadable spreadsheet of every item in the auction. Make sure to save with an extension of XLS.

Gen Con 2016

Here’s some quick statistics :

Number of Items in the Auction 10,269
Number of Items Sold 8,258
Value of Items Sold $151,744
Number of Items Auctioned (non-Consignment Store) 3,104
Number of Items Sold from the Consignment Store 5,154
Percent items Registered in the last week 60%
Amount Raised for Charity (The Pour House)

This was the first year we did away with on-site registrations. Overall the result and reception was positive. Unfortunately there were a few attendees who didn’t get notified and were disappointed that they couldn’t register their games on-site as they had done in the past. For those curious as to why we did away with the on-site registration, here are some of the advantages we realized:

1) Faster setup for us on Wednesday (no need to setup 4+ extra computers and printer)

2) Faster drop-off for sellers (since we had everything setup and ready to roll, and we didn’t have to spare anyone to help those entering items) !

3) Less congestion in the room of people waiting with stacks of games to get to the on-site computers.

I think that all the sellers who pre-registered would agree that check-in went VERY smoothly this year.


(click for larger image)
Graph: Number of Items Sold by Hour

(click for larger image)
Graph: The procrastination factor. Number of items registered by day.

(right click-save target as)
Here’s a down-loadable spreadsheet of every item in the auction. Make sure to save with an extension of XLS.

Gen Con 2015

Here’s some quick statistics :

Number of Items in the Auction 10,865
Number of Items Sold 7,974
Value of Items Sold $136,644
Number of Items Auctioned (non-Consignment Store) 3,298
Number of Items Sold from the Consignment Store 4,676
Percent items Registered in the last week 72%
Amount Raised for Charity (The Julian Center)


(click for larger image)
Graph: Number of Items Sold by Hour

(click for larger image)
Graph: The procrastination factor. Number of items registered by day.

(right click-save target as)
Here’s a down-loadable spreadsheet of every item in the auction. Make sure to save with an extension of XLS.

Copyright © 2018 The Parnership. All rights reserved